Using Your Uniper Web Account

Now that you’ve set up your account using our Uniper Web Self Setup Guide, you are ready to get started using your features. Though we briefly covered these features in the setup guide, this article will go further in depth about your features and how to use them.

NOTE: If you have not downloaded Google Chrome and set up your Uniper Web account, please set up your account using the Uniper Web Self Setup Guide before reading this article. You can also contact our support team at 1-888-471-7623 to help you set up your account.

Logging In

Let’s start by accessing your account. Click this link or the bookmark you created while following the Self Setup Guide to go to the Uniper Web login screen, then click the ‘Sign in’ button.

Click inside the email box and type in your email address, then click inside the password and type in your password. After you have put in your information, click the ‘Login’ button.

TIP: Your email and password are the email you used to set up your Uniper Web account and your phone number! If you still cannot log in, click the ‘forgot password’ button to reset your password, or contact our support team at 1-888-471-7623 or

The Today Page

The Today page is the first page you will see when you log in. If there is an activity that is live now, your screen will look like the one shown above!

When there isn’t an activity live, you will see the 15 Minutes or Less section and the Next Up Today section at the top of your Today page.

The 15 Minutes or Less Section

Inside the 15 Minutes or Less section you will find quick videos you can watch at any time of day! These videos and more can also be found in the Video Library section.

To watch a video in the 15 Minutes or Less section, click the video!

The Next Up Today Section

The Next Up Today section will show you the rest of the live activities available to you for the day. You can find the Next Up Today section by scrolling down on the Today page, and learn more about an activity by clicking the ‘More Info’ button.

The This Week Page

The This Week page is where you can find all of your live activities for today and the future. To access it, click the ‘This week' button at the top of the page.

This is your This Week page! Here you can see all of the live activities coming up today and in the future.

You can move between different weeks by clicking the left or right arrows next to the week range at the top of your screen. You can move between days of that week by clicking the day you want to view under the week range.

Move your mouse to the bottom portion of the screen and scroll to see the activities for the day! If you continue to scroll past the day’s activities you will find the next day’s activities. To learn more about an activity, click the ‘More info’ button.

To join an activity that is live now, move your mouse over the activity and click the join button!

Inside live activities, you can mute or unmute your microphone, start or stop your video, and switch between speaker view (one large frame with just the instructor or speaking person) and gallery view (a 3x3 grid of the other participants and the instructor). You can also leave an activity at any time by clicking the ‘Leave' button or the 'Home’ Button.

Video Library

You can watch videos at any time of day in the Video Library! To access it, click the Video Library button at the top of your screen.

Inside your video library you can find a variety of videos in English, Russian, and Spanish all provided by Uniper or your Care Partner! You can click the categories on the left to view videos in that category or scroll down to view all of the video categories.

To move between the videos in a category, click the left and right arrows in the top left corner of your screen. To start a video, click the ‘Play’ button on the video you would like to start.

When your video loads, it will load in full screen, like the image above.

When you move your mouse, the video controls will appear. To make them disappear, move your mouse to the middle of your screen, then keep it still.

To start and stop your video, click the pause or play button. To fast forward, click the fast forward button. To rewind, click the rewind button. You can close the video by clicking the X button in the top right corner.

If you click the ‘Exit full screen’ button in the lower left corner, your video will shrink and the ‘Other Activities’ side bar will appear. This is a great place to find related videos to the one you are watching!

From this screen you can reenter full screen by clicking the ‘Enter Full Screen’ button, move to a related video by clicking the video you want to watch in the ‘other activities’ side bar, or exit the video viewing screen by clicking the X button in the upper right corner.

You can also use your video library at any time of the day! Videos range from exercises like Zumba and yoga, to concerts and music, to documentaries. You can explore your video library by scrolling up or down with your mouse, and access any video you see by simply clicking on it! You can also return to your home screen at any time by clicking the ‘Home’ button.


 My live activity has no sound.

First double check that your computer audio is not muted or off by pressing the volume up or down keys on your keyboard. If this does not correct the issue, try exiting and reentering the activity by clicking the ‘Leave’ button to return to the live activities screen, then clicking the ‘Join’ button next to the activity to rejoin.

If you continue to have an issue, reach out to our support team at 1-888-471-7623 or, or file a Support Ticket!

My video library video has no sound.

First double check that your computer audio is not muted or off by pressing the volume up or down keys on your keyboard. If this does not correct the issue, check that the speaker button in the video isn’t set to mute.

If you continue to have an issue, reach out to our support team at 1-888-471-7623 or, or file a Support Ticket!

I can’t log in to my Uniper Web account.

If you are using the button in your welcome email to log in, try closing your browser window and trying again in a new window. If that doesn’t work, try using login page to log in. Remember that your username is your email address and your password is your phone number. Be sure to type in your username and password carefully to avoid any errors.

If you continue to have an issue, reach out to our support team at 1-888-471-7623 or, or file a Support Ticket!

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