Filing A Support Ticket in the Help Center

Sometimes you may encounter an issue while using a Uniper product; you can always call our support team at 1-888-471-7623, or email us at, but you can also file a help ticket instead!

Filing Your Support Ticket

Start by clicking the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of your screen.

Select your status (either Uniper Member, Administrator, or Care Partner) from the drop down. This will cause a form to appear.

Put in your email address, then select your access type (UniTV, Uniper Web, etc.) and area of concern (hardware or software) from their drop downs. Your access type is optional, but will help our team diagnose and solve your issue.

Next, select your topic from the topic drop down, and select any details that are relevant from the Issues field that will appear when you select your topic. The issue field is optional, but will help our team diagnose and solve your issue.

Type in the subject of your ticket in the Subject box (up to 150 characters); When you put in your subject, a list of suggested articles will appear. These articles are selected by the help center to assist you, and may or may not have the information you need. You can view any of them by clicking their title, or proceed with filing your ticket.

To continue with your ticket, provide a more through description of your issue in the Description box. Add any attachments you may have, such as screenshots, documents, and video/audio files under 10 mB, in the attachment section, then click ‘Submit’ to submit your ticket.

When your ticket has been successfully submitted, you will be returned to the help center’s home page and the message shown above will appear.

Monitoring Your Ticket

When you submit your ticket, you will receive a confirmation email from with your ticket number, as shown above. If you don’t receive your ticket confirmation email, wait a few moments and check your spam box; if the email still does not appear, contact our support team at 1-888-471-7623 or

NOTE: If you are a care partner with a help center login, you can click the link in the email and sign in to your account to view your ticket’s details. This feature is currently only available to Care Partners.

To quickly and easily update your ticket, reply to the email by clicking the ‘Reply’ button in your email browser. Put your reply above the previous response to make sure your update comes through clearly.

When one of our support team members replies to your ticket, you will receive an updated email like the one shown above containing our reply and any additional information. You can reply to this update the same way you would reply to the initial email.

Troubleshooting and Tips

I don’t see my issue listed in the drop downs.

That’s okay! Just try to get as close to your issue as possible. You can always elaborate further in the description box.

I didn’t receive a confirmation email.

If it has been more than 10 minutes and you still have not received confirmation of your ticket, start by double checking your spam inbox and any additional email security you may have installed. If you still cannot find the email, contact our support team at 1-888-471-7623 or with the subject line of your ticket and any additional facts you may have.

What is the status of my ticket?

Any updates to your ticket will be sent to the email you provided when you filed your ticket; if you have not seen a recent update, you can respond to the email using the method shown in the ‘Monitoring Your Ticket’ section of this article to ask about the status of your ticket.

I have another issue.

If you have another issue that we haven’t covered here, you can call our support team at 1-888-471-7623 or email us at for additional support.

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