TV Pop-ups
We have updated the look and duration of our TV pop-up notifications! It will now look as shown above, and will last 12 seconds in TV mode, or 150 seconds in Uniper mode.
New Game: True or False Trivia
We have added a new game for members to enjoy: True or False Trivia! You will answer questions across multiple categories to improve your memory and test your knowledge.
Smart Notifications
If you have a mobile number associated with your account, you will now receive SMS notifications on Mondays and Thursdays if your device is disconnected from the internet, if you have not used Uniper in the past week, or if you have used Uniper very little in the last week.
Internet Disconnected SMS Notifications
If your box has lost it’s connection to the internet for more than 5 days, you will receive the above text message notification.
No Usage SMS Notifications
If you don’t use your Uniper device (i.e. engage with a live or pre-recorded activity, the video library, a Uniper game, a questionnaire, the photo sharing tile, or an ad-hoc or direct call) for a week or more, you will receive the notification shown above.
Low Usage SMS Notifications
If you have a significant drop in usage (i.e., using a live or pre-recorded activity, the video library, a Uniper game, a questionnaire, the photo sharing tile, or an ad-hoc or direct call) for 3 weeks, you will receive the SMS notification shown above.
New Welcome Email and Text Message
New members will now receive an email or text message similar to the one shown above! This provides more specific instructions for you based on your device type, and also offers additional support information.
YouTube Video Player Update
We have updated the YouTube video player in the Video Library, which will allow us to maintain the current library while also allowing for captions in the future.
New Pre-Recorded Activity Appearance
Pre-Recorded activities will no longer show a default host in the bottom left corner; instead, they will say “Recorded broadcast”.